Avocado - best fat

Health Fats

Not all fats are created equal, and some fats are better than others. Plant-based fats should make up the bulk of your intake, as they contain the healthiest types of fatty acids.

The plant-based fats listed below are a great place to start:
1. Avocados and avocado oil
2. Nuts and nut butter
3. Seeds and seed butter
4. Cooking oils (including olive & coconut)

Moderate amounts of animal fat are fine. When choosing animal-based fats, opt for:
1. Fatty fish (including sardines, mackerel, herring and wild salmon)
2. Lean cuts of meat for beef, chicken, turkey
3. Egg and low-fat cheeses (including partskim mozzarella, ricotta and cottage cheese)

*Plant oil recommended here doesn’t represent vegetable oil, corn oil or canola oil.

It’s also important to remember anything can be overdone, even healthy fats. Just because a little bit is good, it doesn’t mean a lot is better.

Like any other nutrient, when consumed in excessive amounts, fat will lead to weight gain.